Starting to lighten up as we approach the ridge know as the "Hogsback"
Several climbers gather at the Hogsback as the guides decide whether or not to press on.
John standing atop the Hogsback. Very cloudy and windy. Texted my buddies at this point who were meeting for small group and asked them to pray for clearing as our guide was telling us we couldn't go up due to poor visibility. We told him whatever he thought but wanted to wait a few more minutes.
Same spot 15 minutes later. Unbelievable how quickly the clouds broke. Guide decided to press on at this point up the steep chute in the middle of the photo. Toughest part of the climb by far.
Photo from the summit. Clouds moved back in as we reached the top. No view but thrilled to make it.
nice job guys!Can't wait to hear all the details. Good luck on Rainier.